Reprogram Your Brain For Success, Happiness And Transformation…

Are you stuck in a dead end job… coping with divorce… or feeling depressed or fearful?

Let me show you how Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) can help you overcome childhood trauma, lose that weight, reduce stress and feel confident about your future.

RTT therapist: An Extraordinary Method For Rapid Results

Stress & Anxiety

Stress levels are rising worldwide and for all ages and professions. Six out of 10 people say their work environment contributes to their stress and anxiety.

Does that sound like you? RTT will help you identify the root cause of these symptoms and help you reframe beliefs that are keeping you from living a healthy lifestyle.

Weight Control

Do you hate exercise, eat a lot, and crave food when sad or upset? RTT can help you stop overeating or eating senselessly.
I will encourage you to start living a healthier lifestyle and imagine yourself in your ideal body image. Take charge of your health now.

Divorce & Sadness

RTT can effectively treat severe anxiety, depression, self-sabotage, grief, and other concerns connected with divorce.
During divorce, many people experience times of heightened stress, which can disrupt sleep, memory, digestion, and general wellbeing.
RTT promotes the recovery of this highly stressful state and induces relief by connecting to the parasympathetic state.

Self Esteem & Confidence

Using RTT to resolve self-esteem issues will boost your confidence… RTT figures out why you have the issue.
While you’re in a hypnotic state, you’ll be able to reframe bad beliefs so they’re eliminated.

Money Blocks

You may be saving money, but fail to accumulate wealth if you have limiting beliefs about money.
You may feel that wealth is unavailable to you, or that you spend your money as soon as you get it. Many successful people want to make the leap to the next level, but they don’t know how.
RTT reveals your subconscious blocks so you can create the life you want.

Purpose & Passion

Knowing your life purpose and what you’re passionate about influences your decisions and goals. Being clear on what’s important will help you achieve it.
But many people have trouble figuring out what they really want to do and waste time. Don’t you deserve to move toward a fulfilling life right now? RTT will clarify where your mental roadblocks are, and together we’ll resolve them.
“RTT helps you take control of your mind which in turn influences your body and behaviour. By rewiring the neural pathways of the brain, RTT replaces our outdated belief systems and negative patterns of behaviour. New positive beliefs are formed and the healing process begins.”
Marisa Peer

RTT Therapy For Rapid CHANGE!

Rapid results… typically in just 1-3 Sessions!

Most importantly, it’s about taking control of your thoughts… thinking differently than you’ve been trained to… and different than every other person around you.

Why is that so important? ?

Because how you think not only determines how you live every day… it determines how you live your entire life. .

Together we’ll change your limiting beliefs

Keep believing what you’ve always believed about yourself… the accepted “norm” you’ve been conditioned to believe is the only way… and your relationship, health and income will always be outside of your control.

In other words, if you follow all the normal ways of thinking, you’ll be…

A SLAVE To Your Negative Beliefs!


Rapid Therapy Sessions

RTT is endorsed by the National and International Council of Psychotherapists, the International Association of Complementary Therapists, plus the International Institute of Complementary Therapies.

Rapid Transformational Therapy combines the most beneficial principles in Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Neuroscience to provide unparalleled speed, effectiveness, and long-term results.

RTT with coaching

If you’re feeling stuck in the daily struggle to release pent up emotions and break down the limiting beliefs holding you back, then one on one coaching is perfect for you.

Most people need an unbiased ear at least once in a while.

Friends and family are not always the best source of advice because regardless of their closeness to you, their experience isn’t really enough to be relied on as a source.

What you need is a life coach. A life coach could support you in your transformation.

Together we’ll change your limiting beliefs

Keep believing what you’ve always believed about yourself… the accepted “norm” you’ve been conditioned to believe is the only way… and your relationship, health and income will always be outside of your control.

In other words, if you follow all the normal ways of thinking, you’ll be…

A SLAVE To Your Negative Beliefs!


Rapid Therapy Sessions

RTT is endorsed by the National and International Council of Psychotherapists, the International Association of Complementary Therapists, plus the International Institute of Complementary Therapies.

Rapid Transformational Therapy combines the most beneficial principles in Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Neuroscience to provide unparalleled speed, effectiveness, and long-term results.

RTT with coaching

If you’re feeling stuck in the daily struggle to release pent up emotions and break down the limiting beliefs holding you back, then one on one coaching is perfect for you.

Most people need an unbiased ear at least once in a while.

Friends and family are not always the best source of advice because regardless of their closeness to you, their experience isn’t really enough to be relied on as a source.

What you need is a life coach. A life coach could support you in your transformation.

Take back control of your life…

If you’re you’re feeling stressed or anxious… doubt the future of a relationship… or simply feel that you are not living the life you should live… I want to share something amazing with you…

What I do is to get to the root cause of your pain and struggle, and uncover the cause and how you got here… so you can finally transform your life!

How will this work?

Based on my own experience, an award winning method, and highly sensitive touch, I can help you get to the root cause and change your life forever.

A year ago I started looking for someone who could coach me in both private and work areas. Personally, I have little to do with spirituality and I found it difficult to find someone who was “down to earth”, but who could get to the core. My mother pointed me to Ingeborg and she was the right person for me! Ingeborg provides warmth, strength, energy and tranquility at the same time. Through the combination of Reiki and various conversation techniques, she has helped me to come to myself and get everything sorted out. She knows exactly what works and what doesn’t work and she will always be a starting point for me.


What is RTT Therapy?

Reprograming Your Subconscious For Personal Success And Freedom…

Rapid Transformational Therapy was developed by Marisa Peer and combines psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, Neuroscience and hypnotherapy principles for unparalleled fast, effective, and longlasting results...

You mightve tried other therapy methods to boost confidence, lose weight, overcome fears, phobias, and addictions, but they didnt work for you. Youre left wondering if youll be able to succeed.

You don’t have to go it alone… as your personal coach, I will guide you stepbystep.

Together, we’ll access your sub-conscious and recall your memories to pinpoint the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.

RTT Has Developed Over The Last 30 Years With Over 6000 Therapists Trained

Marisa Peer developed RTT after thirty years of working as a therapist. Over 6,000 therapists have been trained by Marisa on how to use the therapy to change lives, including their own.

Extremely dynamic, fast and effective therapy

Its a fast and effective therapy that leads to permanent results after discovering the root of your issues, freeing you from negative selfdefeating beliefs, and imprinting positive and powerful messages into your subconscious.

The Process


I’ll learn about your present life situation and the underlying issues you’re facing. We will then discuss the outcomes that you wish to achieve and agree on the steps that need to be taken.


During the RTT session you will experience both the calming and energizing effects of light hypnosis. ​I will use your subconscious mind to regress you back to the scenes that gave rise to your present difficulty.

We will determine your issue’s root cause and why it persists with you.

Permanent Change

I will utilize a number of tools to help you rewire the outdated, neasiness-inducing emotions and beliefsthatonceformedoutofyourold negative memories. You will replace an outdated mindset based on your past with a fresh, exciting attitude that ultimately helps you become free from problems.

I know your pain…

I’ve had more than my share of personal struggles…

My parents split up when I was 5, leaving me with my narcissistic mother, causing many heartbreaks and traumas. We also moved 29 times.

As if that werent all bad enough Ive…
been in a wheelchair for over 1 year due to illness
been a key witness in a murder case
suffered postpartum depression… not knowing how to get out of it lived through a divorce in 2019
been scammed and lost a lot of money
lost a business, sold my home and had to start all over again
raised 2 boys on my own

With RTT and coaching I have been able to live a joyful, rewarding life. I’ve gone from helpless, depressed, fearful, sad, and struggling to an enjoyable life… A life fulfilled by helping others get through similar pain to achieving both love and abundance.

I trained in RTT because it completely transformed me and now, its your turn for rapid personal transformation! Because Ive done it, I know its possible for you!

What Clients

I had panic attacks and difficulty coping with my fathers death and our relationship before his death. My selfimage and selfconfidence were also on the meager side. During the yoga classes that I already followed with Ingeborg, I felt very comfortable with her, safe. She knows what shes talking about and she always knew how to give me something that helped me. So I ended up doing more sessions with Ingeborg. That has given me a better selfimage and selfconfidence, and she has also provided me with tools that I can fall back on in certain situations. Very valuable. ”


I am studying to become an RTT practitioner. Last night I had an amazing session from one of the ladies that have already qualified. She lives in The Netherlands.
Today I feel so relaxed and last night I had the best night’s sleep.
Thank you Ingeborg for your help”

Sanette Rabie

“I am still sleeping very well at night and I’ve made my point very clear to my partner without feeling guilty or unsure. I am really surprised how calm and peaceful I feel. I have also put my house on the market and I have 3 viewings for this coming Saturday. Plus I went to view a property over the weekend.
Thank you again for helping me.”

I just want to give you and update.
1. I have received an offer on my house for more than the asking price.
2.  After saying to my partner that I am enough as I am and I’m not going to give up my own personality and personal preference, we decided to move on on our own.

I feel excited about the future. Now my next step, claiming my new house.
